President: Suresh Arya - 9437373299
Secretary: SanjayAgrawal (Gandhi) - 9437033583

Details for Nikhil Agrawal


Details of the person
Name Nikhil Agrawal
Firm The Web Fosters
Address The Web Fosters Shree Fashions, Opp. RadhaKrishna Temple Road No.2, Kantabanji.
Phone Number 9437638555
Gender Male
Date of birth 28-03-1990
Father Name Sri Kailash Agrawal
Mother Name Smt. Mamta Devi
Qualification B.Tech
Occupation Website Development Company
Head of the family
Name Sri Kailash Chand Agrawal
Firm Shree Fashion
Gotra Goyal
Village Bodh
Address Shree Fashions,
Opp. RadhaKrishna Temple
Road No.2, Kantabanji.
Phone Number 9437030968
Gender Male
Date of birth 06-06-1957
Father Name Late Ram Karan Agrawal
Mother Name Smt. Santi Devi
Qualification B.Com

Other Family Member details
Name Parents Name Date of birth Phone Maritial Status
Nikhil Agrawal Father name: Sri Kailash Agrawal
Mother name: Smt. Mamta Devi
28-03-1990 9437638555 Single